The Seven Eternal Truths

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My near death experience taught me about my mission in life, which is to help people heal there pain and trauma through consciousness based healing and find a path to joy and celebration.  This requires healing diseases of soul- pain, depression and addictions. The medicine prescribed for this healing consists of compassion, loving-kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, and living in service.

The other important gift of my Near Death Experience was a lesson on the Seven Eternal Truths.

The Seven Eternal Truths are as follows:

  • Consciousness exists outside of the body.
  • There is life after death.
  • We have past lives and our experiences therein can shape our current realities.
  • We are all connected to each other because we are all made of the one and same energy that manifests as differentiated matter.
  • Divine beings exist to help and guide us.
  • There are different levels of consciousness.
  • There is one, all-pervading, supreme love and intelligence that is the source of the entire universe, and that love is the supreme source of creation.