Make a Payment

Thank you for wanting to make a payment to Dr. Rajiv Parti.

He accepts payment ONLINE using Paypal.  Because you have been directed to this page to make a PAYMENT to Dr. Rajiv Parti, it would help to enter a brief description for your payment (ex. speaker fee – July 2024 conf).

After entering your brief description, click on the “PAY NOW”.   You will be directed to PayPal to make a payment which is a secure online payment website.  It is free to sign up if you do not have an account.  Once on the secure website, follow the instructions given on the form. You will be able to enter the amount you are paying in the box provided as well as your billing information to complete the payment. Afterwards, you will get a transaction email to verify your payment. Thank you!


Please enter your payment description and then click the button below.

Brief Description of Payment:

Any Questions or Problems, please contact us using the Contact form. Thank you!